Spencer Carli

Accountability: October 12, 2014

October 13, 2014

A bit late for this one (was out of town) but better late than never…

What I Accomplished

  • Daily Reading
  • Some sort of exercise everyday (still taking it easy to heal)
  • Hit all contracting hours (a lot of hours for a short week)
  • Paid an arm and a leg to student loans (trying to knock them all out really fast)
  • Followed up with clients behind on payments

Interesting Article of the Week: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2014/10/good-at-math.html What I Didn’t Accomplish/ Need to Improve

  • Broke my streak of daily German practice on Duolingo ;(
  • Put off making an actual decision on my next big-ish “passive” income project
  • Didn’t actually get all delinquent clients to pay their bills (yet)
  • Missed a day of writing - my trip really threw me off on Friday

What I plan to work on Next Week

  • Exercise of some sort everyday this week
  • Daily reading
  • Daily writing
  • Action plan and schedule for my next project
  • Fair amount of contracting and consulting
  • Daily German
  • Updates to some websites for charity orgs and events I help sponsor

What is this?

Since I’m taking a different path I decided I need a non-traditional way to keep myself accountable. I don’t have many people pushing deadlines on me so it’s easy for me to come up with excuses and not actually get much done. So this is my weekly accountability post. It’s 95% for me to make sure that I have a consistent way to review what I did the prior week. If you stumble upon this and and feel like I was BSing the this week let me know. I won’t be mad. You can email me, call me, or tweet me. Seriously, call me out.