Spencer Carli

Accountability: January 19, 2015

January 19, 2015

What I Accomplished

Hit everything I listed out last week except what I’ll list below.

Focused a lot on learning this week.

Interesting Article of the Week: How We Build CMS-Free Websites

What I Didn’t Accomplish/ Need to Improve

Weak on German. Missed a day of working out. STILL haven’t planned out my year and set long term goals. My start on taxes was very minimal.

What I plan to work on Next Week

Busy week coming up!

  • Plenty of contracting work
  • Read, write, excercise, practice German, and come up with 10 ideas every day
  • Plan and set my goals for the year
  • Trading (Forex)

What is this?

Since I’m taking a different path I decided I need a non-traditional way to keep myself accountable. I don’t have many people pushing deadlines on me so it’s easy for me to come up with excuses and not actually get much done. So this is my weekly accountability post. It’s 95% for me to make sure that I have a consistent way to review what I did the prior week. If you stumble upon this and and feel like I was BSing the this week let me know. I won’t be mad. You can email me, call me, or tweet me. Seriously, call me out.